Guru Gobind Singh Convent School, Sohawa , an educational institution known for its excellence, came into existence in the year 2011 by the efforts of Sant Baba Sukha singh Ji, a great religious leader, a philanthropist, a votary of cosmic brotherhood and secularism, who considers education as an investment in our nation’s future and is devotedly engaged in awakening the minds of the people by making them follow the teachings of the Sikh Gurus and Holy Gurbani.
Under the superb and holy patronship of Sant Baba Sukha singh ji and able guidance of Sh. S.K Duggal, the Director of the institution, the school has attained the heights in every field-may it be academic, sports and athletics or moral and religious studies. I congratulate the parents who have chosen this institution for their blooming buds to unfold their wings by enhancing their skill capabilities so that they may boldly meet the challenges of this competitive world.